Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Recent pictures of Egreis Gjergjani

Egreis Gjergjani

Egreis Gjergjani - Closet Cleaning - Free Giveaway to Instagram fans

A few weeks ago I was in my closet and I realized I had entirely too much in there. A lot of the clothes I had not worn in ages; some of them no longer fit (either too small or too big); and honestly there was little room to add anything new.
After having Gio, I don’t get a chance to get dressed up as much as I used to when I lived in LA and went to work daily. I don’t go out at night much other than every now and then with my husband or our friends, and the only other chances I get to get dressed is when we travel, which I have to admit is quite often. So I started thinking…why am I holding on to all of this? I had dresses that were “hoochie” lol from my single days; some outfits that as lovely as they would look on a young, beautiful girl, they just wouldn’t really suit me right now. So I decided to give it away.
In the past, I have given away things I own to Goodwill. It was easy. I just put it all in a bag, drive to the spot and drop it off. No need to do any work. But this time, I knew that it would mean a lot more if I sent it to women that would not only love it, but it would be completely free and the size would fit perfectly.
So I posted something on my instagram page and got a huge response. I decided to pick 16 people at first, and then ended up sending an extra 5 packages to a few more people. (I normally don’t give shoes up because I’m a big collector, but this time I gave away 24 pairs, 2 of which were Christian Louboutin, some Sergio Rossi, Casadei and lower end designers as well).
I have to say that it feels AMAZING to be able to do this. You don’t have to have a lot to be able to make someone else’s day. The smallest thing can sometimes mean the world to someone else. So I recommend you try it. It will honestly make you feel amazing. Giving is for you, not for the ones on the receiving end.
Thank you to the amazing ladies who sent me pictures of wearing the items as well as the thank you notes I received. I truly appreciate it!
Egreis Gjergjani